Advertise With Us

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To advertise in our theaters, use our Self-Serve Platform Link:, Call 1-800-SCREEN1 or email Bay City Cinemas is a proud affiliate of NCM, the industry-leading network that connects national, regional, and local brands with movie audiences through the big screen, lobby entertainment, digital campaigns, and across social media platforms.

Partner with America’s Movie Network and get access to:

  • Desirable audience: young, social, influential with disposable income
  • Brand adjacency to the best content in the world
  • Incredible reach on the #1 Millennial network
  • The highest rated national and local programming every week
  • 36% higher ad engagement over live sports and primetime TV
  • Turnkey planning, buying, and posting - all fully backed by Nielsen
  • A committed partner in achieving your marketing objectives

Contact us today to learn more about how you can benefit from advertising with NCM, America’s Movie Network.


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