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A Two Hearted Tale

0h 41m
General Admission


Dave Chappelle asked for a Bell’s Beer during a comedy set in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Taking a sip, he casually called out, "The Two-Hearted Ale? Why the hell did you put a fish on the label? " This is the story of that label, and its eccentric artist, Ladislav Hanka.

DIRECTED BY | Rory K McHarg & Bret Miller

PRODUCED BY | Stevie Ansara

EXECUTIVE PRODUCED BY | Rory K McHarg, Jonathan Braue, Joe Talbot, Bret Miller, Davis Nixon & Nikki Finn

PRODUCTION COMPANIES | Woodward Original, RampOrRye, & Reprise Post


Bret Miller, Rory McHarg


Steve Berthel, Martin C. Burch, Roy Deal, Jana Hanka, Ladislav Richard Hanka, Kevin Romeo, Bruce Soderstrom




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